
Talent for Net Zero

Across the world governments are on a mission to reach net zero emissions by 2050. The built environment sector has a vital part to play in this mission. With the sector accounting for 30% of total global greenhouse gas emissions, companies operating within the natural resources, real estate, infrastructure and industrial technology space can have a huge impact on reducing carbon emissions. Yet for this to be achievable, organisations will need the right talent, leadership and skills in place to innovate and progress at the pace required.

At Granger Reis, we are passionate about sustainability and know that talent is the key to reaching net zero emissions in the sectors we work in. We have spoken to some of the leading innovators and thinkers within the built environment sector to discuss the talent needs and trends required for a transition to a net zero economy.

[{"title":"The Temperature is Rising - Why the \u2018pressure cooker\u2019 effect must not deter business leaders from Net Zero","thumb":"https:\/\/\/_landscape534X400\/The-Temperature-is-Rising-7.png","category":{"label":"Talent for Net Zero","url":"https:\/\/\/blog\/talent-for-net-zero"},"postDate":"Oct 06, 2022","url":"https:\/\/\/blog\/the-temperature-is-rising-why-the-pressure-cooker-effect-must-not-deter-business-leaders-from-net-zero","excerpt":"If we thought the construction industry was being squeezed before, leaders are now braced for rising inflation, recession, the war in Eastern Europe scaling up and a winter of discontent.\nWe call this the \u2018pressure cooker effect\u2019 \u2013 and it\u2019s the people at the top who have the job of keeping the lid on.\nHere, Granger Reis Founder & CEO, Richard Milsom argues that with the temperature rising across the globe, as well as in the boardroom, we must ensure business leaders stay committed to Net Zero ambitions."},{"title":"Rejuvenating and Incentivising Net Zero Talent","thumb":"https:\/\/\/_landscape534X400\/article-18.jpg","category":{"label":"Talent for Net Zero","url":"https:\/\/\/blog\/talent-for-net-zero"},"postDate":"Oct 05, 2021","url":"https:\/\/\/blog\/rejuvenating-and-incentivising-net-zero-talent","excerpt":"In our latest Talent for Net Zero interview, our Senior Partner and Practice Leader, Real Estate Edward Ali McQuilton speaks with Kieran Daya, Managing Director, P&SL at Crest Nicholson plc and Helen Bunch, Executive Managing Director, Wates Group about the changes required at executive level to help drive the sustainability agenda."},{"title":"Leadership Skills and Qualities for a Net Zero Economy - Video","thumb":"https:\/\/\/_landscape534X400\/article-24.jpg","category":{"label":"Talent for Net Zero","url":"https:\/\/\/blog\/talent-for-net-zero"},"postDate":"Apr 30, 2021","url":"https:\/\/\/blog\/leadership-skills-and-qualities-for-a-net-zero-economy-video","excerpt":""},{"title":"Sustainability\u2026 its everyone\u2019s business!","thumb":"https:\/\/\/_landscape534X400\/infrasture_2021-11-16-171231_nrbj.jpg","category":{"label":"Talent for Net Zero","url":"https:\/\/\/blog\/talent-for-net-zero"},"postDate":"Mar 15, 2021","url":"https:\/\/\/blog\/sustainability-its-everyones-business","excerpt":""},{"title":"Leadership Skills and Qualities for a Net Zero Economy","thumb":"https:\/\/\/_landscape534X400\/article-17.jpg","category":{"label":"Talent for Net Zero","url":"https:\/\/\/blog\/talent-for-net-zero"},"postDate":"Feb 22, 2021","url":"https:\/\/\/blog\/leadership-skills-and-qualities-for-a-net-zero-economy","excerpt":"In September 2020, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate reported that businesses and local governments had doubled their commitments to reaching net zero emissions in the previous year."},{"title":"Talent for Net Zero: Diversity, Inclusion, Innovation - Video","thumb":"https:\/\/\/_landscape534X400\/article-19.jpg","category":{"label":"Talent for Net Zero","url":"https:\/\/\/blog\/talent-for-net-zero"},"postDate":"Jan 15, 2021","url":"https:\/\/\/blog\/talent-for-net-zero-diversity-inclusion-innovation","excerpt":"In the first of our Talent for Net Zero series, Danielle Hatton, Consultant at Granger Reis spoke with the Head of Diversity and Inclusion at HS2, Mark Lomas and Chief People Officer at EDF Renewables UK, San Johal."}]

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