What We Do

Assessment, powered by technology

We believe data should be in-depth, accurate, and delivered fast. That’s why we take a scientific and AI-powered approach to assessments to deliver the highest quality insights. It’s not a replacement for our human expertise, it’s an additional tool to check our assumptions and enhance our own analysis, to identify the ideal person for the job.

After colleagues and candidates have completed scientifically-crafted assessments, cutting-edge AI analyses faster than any human can, producing rich data to drive your hiring decisions like never before.


Team Assessment

We start by analysing your current team. This allows us to fully understand your current set ups, where your strengths lie and where your weaknesses might be. Getting an in-depth view of your existing team allows us to find talent that will seamlessly fit in and add value where you need it most.


Individual Assessment

Using the data we’ve collected from your team analysis, we identify the critical areas your team would benefit from added value. This informs the personality and expertise required for your talent longlist and helps build out our brief based on hard data.

Our Process

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