
Our People

Kate Craig Waller

Partner of Delivery
Real Assets

What’s your sector focus at Granger Reis and why do you like it?
I work within the Real Assets practice at Granger Reis and have a real passion for this sector. We are seeing huge transformation through the integration of technology into the built environment, leading to more efficient, sustainable, and safer buildings and infrastructure. As technology continues to evolve, its impact on the built environment is growing, driving greater innovation. Through our work we have the opportunity to significantly contribute to businesses and their leadership, that are embracing sustainability and diversity, which I find incredibly exciting.

What excites you about the future for the executive search industry?
I believe the search industry is in a moment of change and for those that grasp this, who can adapt and innovate, there will be real benefits for our clients. We are looking at a more diverse and inclusive work force, at new flexible business models and businesses with a commitment to sustainability. We are in a unique position to be able to influence the selection of impactful future business leaders.

In your opinion, what makes Granger Reis different?
There is a real shared passion across the business to do our very best for our clients and candidates. In short, people genuinely care. At Granger Reis everyone’s thoughts and opinions are valued irrespective of their role or years of experience. This allows for real innovation and a creative approach to how we work and support our clients.

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